Gratiot County Michigan
MIGenWeb Project

New Haven Township

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As its name indicates, the “corners” so named is located in the center of New Haven Township. A long-established general store constitutes the main business feature of the place. A blacksmith shop constitutes the only other business asset; and both are great conveniences to a large scope of country surrounding. A post office was maintained here from an early day until the rural carrying system was established.

New Haven Center’s first postmaster was Joseph Wiles, Jr., who re­ceived his appointment September 26, 1863. His successors are recorded in the following order: Moses H. White, January 19, 1864; Dexter Wood­ward, October 29, 1869; George W. Hedding, July 15, 1879; Reuben Botsford, December 9, 1880; William H. Everest, July 28, 1894; Carrie B. Thorn­ton, October 5, 1903. Discontinued December 14, 1904. Mail from Ithaca, route 1.

John A. Delling is owner and proprietor of the store, and in the space of about four years has grown from a poor boy to a man of means and prominence. And all by industry, perseverance and square dealing. That seems to be the universal feeling of the community, freely expressed. He succeeded Frank McNitt in the business along in 1909. He now owns the property, carries a large stock, has greatly improved his building, a large, two-story structure, with living rooms above, has built a fine new barn, and also owns the blacksmithing property. George Ward is the active artist at the forge at the present time. It is proper, and a pleasure, to add that Mr. Delling has an able and loyal assistant in all his work in the person of Mrs. Lulah Delling, his wife. Mr. Delling was elected township treasurer in 1913.

The town hall is located here. It is a large, two-story frame building. The rear part and the upper story are owned and occupied by the Odd Fellow, a good strong lodge of the order being located here. The district school house is a near-by feature of the landscape quite picturesque, the face of the country being quite rolling and far from monotonous.

Garfield Lodge No. 411 I. 0. 0. F. is in a flourishing condition, hav­ing a membership of 118, with present officers as follows: N. G.—R. M.


Hurd; V. G. — Peter Wermuth; R. C. — Chas. Heisler; F. S. — Perry Blanchard; Treas.—Lee Townsend; Past Grand—John A. Delling. The lodge was organized in 1892.

Alice Rebecca Lodge No. 187 is a popular auxiliary to the I. O. O. F. organization. Its interests are looked after by the follow­ing set of officers: N. G.—Mrs. Clara Galligher; V. G.—Mrs. Mary McLaren; Past N. G.—Mrs. Lulah Delling; R. S.—Mrs. Lizzie Blanchard; F. S. —Mrs. Mabel Ward; Treas.—Mrs. Lulah Delling.

The Gleaners also have an organization here.

The view discloses a glimpse of the Center from the east, the school house being the most conspicuous detail, while the store and Odd Fellows’ Hall show up their f r o n t and rear respectively, over the brow of the hill. The Stone Church shows in the distance.

The Stone Church is a   very pretty building, made of cobble stone. It belongs to the church of God denomination. Rev. S. S. Teed, of Carson City, ministers to the needs of the church.

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