From: Gratiot County, Michigan.  Historical, Biographical, Statistical, by Willard D. Tucker, Saginaw, MI. 1913.

 Pages 315-320


            Here are the names of the 18 electors who cast their ballots at the first election held in Hamilton Township, April 7, 1856:

            Joseph Goodwin, Michael Kimmel, Joseph T. Stetson, John Hoffer, John S. Templeton, John Good, Chas. Holiday, John R. Cheesman, David Bell, Samuel Barton, Henry Simmon, Barney Whetstone, Daniel H. Curtis, John H. Johnson, Wm. Crane, Elijah Curtis, Lorenzo Badgeley, Stephen Drummond.

            April, 1856: Sup.  – Elijah Curtis 12, John R. Cheesman 6; Clk. – Daniel H. Curtis 17; Treas. – Elijah Curtis; H.C. – John S. Templeton 17, David Bell 17, Wm. Crane 8, John Hoffer 8; Crane won in the drawing; J.P. – Wm. Barton 17, Wm. Crane 17, Elijah Curtis 17, John S. Templeton 13, John H. Johnson 4; Sch. Insp. – John R. Cheesman 17, Wm. Barton 17; Directors of the Poor – Elijah Curtis 17, John Hoffer 11, John H. Johnson 4, John S. Templeton 1; Const. – Samuel Barton, Henry Simmon.

            The above statement is signed by Elijah Curtis, Daniel H. Curtis and John R. Cheesman, as inspector of election.

            At a special township meeting held June 28, ’56, to elect a treasurer in place of Elijah Curtis, who probably found that he had more offices than he could handle, there were 11 votes cast, of which Henry Simmons, for treasurer, received 9, John R. Cheesman 1, John S. Templeton 1.  Among the 11 voters are two new names – Albert Tillotson an Allen Curtis.  A contingent fund of $100 and a highway fund of $150 were voted.

            Up to the time of the organization of the township this spring, Hamilton had been an adjunct of Duplain, Clinton County.  So a joint meeting of the boards of the two townships was held Aug. 12th at the office of the clerk of Duplain, “for the purpose of apportioning all moneys, rights, credits and personal estate belonging jointly to said townships, according to the statute in such case made and provided.  Present J.D. Sickels, John T. Gleason, Jas. Kipp, and M.I Leach, on the part of Duplain, and Elijah Curtis, John S. Templeton, and Daniel H. Curtis on the part of Hamilton.  It appeared that thee was in the hands of the treasurer of Duplain, belonging to the Township of Hamilton, of highway money, $158.79; of library money, $2.75; and of contingent fund $5.57, making a total of $167.11, for which an order was given by the township board of Duplain on the treasurer of said township, payable to the treasurer of Hamilton.  It also appeared that the Township of Hamilton was justly entitled to 32 volumes from the township library, and they were delivered to the clerk of Hamilton.”  Signed

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by the two township boards.  Thus Hamilton commenced housekeeping on its own account, with a little money in its purse, and with a few books for a start toward a library.  The increase in population was slow, as is evidenced by the vote at annual election, the vote for the first nine years never rising above 19, and being as low as 8 in ’64, and 9 in ’65.

            1857: Sup. – Orville M. Wood 9, Elijah Curtis 5; Clk. – Daniel H. Curtis 14; Treas. – John R. Cheesman 6, J.S. Templeton 5, Henry Simmon 3; H.C. – David Huston 8, J.S. Templeton 6;  J.P.  – Wm. Barton 14;  vacancy, Orville M. Wood; Sch. Insp. – O. M. Wood 14, J.R. Cheesman 10, Elijah Curtis 2, Davis Husson 1; Overseers of Poor – O.M. Wood 14, J.R. Cheesman 10, J.S. Templeton 1; Const. – Henry Simmon 14, Daniel H. Curtis 14.

            A special election was held Oct. 15, ’57, to fill vacancies.  Wm. Barton was elected justice of the peace for three years, and Joseph Wright for four years; school inspector, Wm. Barton; treasurer, Samuel H. Barton.

            1858: Sup. – Wm. Barton 6, Elijah Curtis 6; Barton was lucky in the drawing; Clk. – Daniel H. Curtis; Treas.  – Jas. B. Curtis 4, Samuel H. Barton  4, Henry Simmon 4; Barton  winning the triangular contest.  H.C. – Jo. Wright; J.P. – Elijah Curtis; vacancy, John Muffly; Sch. Insp. – Jas. B. Curtis; Const. – Henry simmon, Dan. H. Curtis, S.H. Barton.

            1859: Sup. – Wm. Barton; Clk. – Geo. E. Townsend; Treas. – Henry Simmon; H.C. – Geo. W. Jennings; J.P. – Geo. W. Jennings; Sch. Insp. – Wm. Barton; Overseer of Poor – Wm. Barton, Lorenzo Badgely.

            April, 1860: Sup. – Wm. Barton; Clk. – Geo. E. Townsend; Treas. – Henry Simmon; H.C. – David Huston, John Deeter; J.P. – John Deeter; vacancy, Geo. E. Townsend; Sch. Insp. – John Deeter, Const. – Henry Simmon.

            April, 1861: Sup. – John Deeter; Clk. – Thos. B. Lamb; Treas. – Henry Simmon; H.C. – Moses D. Ackles, Daniel H. Curtis; J.P. – Thos. B. Lamb; 2 yrs, Jo. Wright; Sch. Insp. – David T. Huston.

            April, 1862: Sup. – Thos. B. Lamb; Clk. – Dan. H. Curtis; Treas. – John Deeter; H.C. – Wm. Barton, Jo. Wright; J.P. – Elijah Curtis; Sch. Insp. – Wm. Barton.

            April, 1863: Sup. – Thos. B. Lamb; Clk. – Francis M. Street; Treas. – Jas. B. Curtis; H.C. – Henry Simmon; J.P. – Jo. Wright, vacancy, Wm. Barton; Sch. Insp. – Thos. B. Lamb.

            April, 1864: Sup. – Wm. Barton; Clk. – Jo. Wright; Treas. – Henry Simmon; H.C. John Muffly; J.P. – Wm. Barton; vacancy, Hiram G. Briggs; Sch. Insp. – Dan. H. Curtis. H.G. Briggs.

            By this time the township had three road districts with overseers – Elijah Curtis, G. Aumaugher, Abraham Ringle.

            April 23, ’64, the board appointed H.C. Briggs clerk; and on May 28, ’64, Jackson Martin was appointed treasurer vice Simmon, who refused to serve.

            Aug. 24, ’64, the board resolved to give  a township order for $100 to any volunteer or drafted man from Hamilton.

            At the Nov., 1864, election six votes were polled – three republican, three democrat.  The six votes were A.J. Martin, Abraham Ringle, Hiram G. Briggs, John Muffly, Elijah Curtis and F.M. Street.

            April, 1865: Sup. – Wm. Barton; Clk. – Alanson M. Wilbour; Treas. – F.M. Street; H.C. – Elijah Curtis; vacancy, F.H. Wilbour; J.P. – Wm. Barton; 3 yrs, A.M. Wilbour; 2 yrs, John Muffly; Sch. Insp. – F.H. Wilbour, Wm. Barton.

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            April, 1866: Sup. – Harlow A. Joyner; Clk. – Wm. Barton; Treas. – John Deeter; H.C. – G.Aumaugher; J.P. – E. Curtis; 3 yrs, F.M. Street.

            April, 1867: Sup. – Harlow A. Joyner; Clk. – Wm. Barton; Treas. – Walter Smalley; H.C. – Samuel Lambright; J.P. – John Deeter; vacancy, Chas. Ackles; Sch. Insp. – Walter Smalley.

            May 7, 1867, G. Aumaugher was appointed treasurer in place of Smalley who failed to qualify.

            April, 1868: Sup. – Joseph H. Seaver, Clk. – Henry C. Mead; Treas. – Geo. Zimmerman; J.P. – Ev. W. Mead; Sch. Insp. – Peter P. Lennox, Geo. W. Mead.

            April, 1869: Sup. – Jo. H. Seaver; Clk. H.C. Mead; Treas. H.A. Joyner; H.C. – Ed. Hyatt; J.P. – Wm. Barton; vacancy, Lewis Goodrich; Sch. Insp. – Geo. W. Mead, H.A. Joyner.

            April, 1870: Sup. – J.H. Seaver; Clk. A.B. Clatlin; Treas. – G.W. Mead; H.C. – E.W. Shelly; J.P. – Sheldon Wight; vacancy, Geo. Zimmerman; Sch. Insp. – Chas. Ackles.

            April, 1871: Sup. – Jas. B. Curtis; Clk. – Jo. Wright; Treas. – Chas. H. Ballard; H.C. – J.A. Walterhouse; J.P. H.,A. Joyner; 3yrs, C. Ackles; 1 yr, F.A. Coats; Sch. Insp. – J.A. Walterhouse.

            April, 1872: Sup. – Jas. D. Arnett; Clk. – Jo. Wright; Treas. – John Deeter; H.C. – Reuben Smith; J.P. – Harvey O. Curtis; Sch. Insp. – Henry Aumaugher; Dr. Com. – F. A. Coats.  Harvey O. Curtis, who ws elected justice, had for his three opponents in the race, Jas. B. Curtis, Ezra Curtis, and Elijah Curtis.

            April, 1873: Sup. – J.H. Seaver; Clk. – Marshall Sevy; Treas. – Wm. Barton; H.C. – Gilbert G. Gabrion; vacancy, Wm. L. Ball; Sch. Insp. – T.J. Cox, G. Cook; Dr. Com. – F.A. Coats.

            April, 1874: Sup. – J.H. Seaver; Clk. – H.C. Mead; Treas. – E. M. Shelley; H.C. – Silas Hill; J.P. – N. Cunningham; vacancy, E.M. Shelley; Sch., Insp. – J.H. Seaver; Dr. Com. – A.A. Gross.

            April, 1875:  Sup. – Jo. Wright; Clk. – H.C. Mead; Treas. – Silas Hill; H.C. – J.H. Seaver; J.P. – H.A. Joyner; 3 yrs, Wm. Ball; 2 yrs, John Deeter; Supt. Sch. – G.G. Gabrion; Sch. Insp. – E.M. Shelley.

            April, 1876: Sup. – J.H., Seaver; Clk. – G.G. Gabrion; Treas. – Silas Hill; H.C. – David Hoag; J.P. – J.H. Seaver; Supt., Sch. – E.M. Shelley; Sch. Insp. – John L. Ringle; Dr. Com. – A.A. Gross.

            April 22, ’76, board appointed Wm. Kerr superintendent of schools vice Shelley.

            Dec. 23, ’76, the board appointed Waren Abbott supervisor vice Seaver elected register of deeds.

            April, 1877: Sup. – Silas Hill; Clk. – G.G. Gabrion; Treas. – John McLaren; H.C. – David N. Hoag; J.P. – W.R. Wight; vacancy Lewis Husted; Supt. Sch. – W.R. Wight; Sch. Insp. – Samuel Lambright.

            April, 1878: Sup. – Silas Hill; Clk. – G.G. Gabrion; Treas. – John McLaren; H.C. – D.N. Hoag; J.P. – Samuel E. Sowers; vacancy, F.L. Raymond; Supt. Sch. – W.R. Wight; Sch. Insp. – Sam Lambright; Dr. Com. – Seneca M. Cole.

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            April, 1879: Sup. – Silas Hill; Clk. – W.R. Wight; Treas. – Samuel Sower; H.C. – D.N. Hoag; J.P. – Jas. B. Curtis; vacancy, Sam. Lambright; Supt. Sch. – F.J. Raymond.

            April, 1880: Sup. – Joseph Wright; Clk. – Edward Kimes; Tres. – Jas. B. Curtis; H.C. – Sam. Lambright; J.P. – F.J. Raymond; Supt. Sch. C.H. Ballard; Sch. Insp. Jo. Wright; Dr. Com. – C.H. Ballard.

            April, 1881: Sup. – W.R. Wight; Clk. Wm. Stahl; Treas. – Cheldon Wight; H.C. – Silas Hill; J.P. – Edmund Goodhall; vacancy, F.A. Coats; Supt. Sch. – Dan. H. Curtis; Sch. Insp. – Sam. Lambright.

            April, 1882: Sup. – Wm. Sickels; Clk. – C. Sherman Betts; Treas. – Sheldon Wight; H.C. – Lewis D. Lincoln; J.P.  Jas. F. Ross; vacancy, D.N. Hoag; Sch. Insp. – Robert Dillsworth, Jas. F. Ross; Dr. Com. – Dan. H. Curtis; Review – Jas. B. Curtis, Silas Hill.

            April, 1883: Sup. – Chas A. Tarr; Clk. – A.I. Wight; Treas. – Silas Hill; H.C. – Elon P. Potter; J.P. – Jas. B. Curtis; 3 yrs, F.A. Coats; 1 yr, Wm. Sickels; Sch. Insp. – Emma C. Sickels.

            A special election Oct. 13, ’83, filled vacancies as follows: H.C. – L.D. Lincoln; Sch. Insp. – John McLaren; J.P., 3 yrs, - F.A. Coats; 2 yrs, Wm. Stahl; 1 yr, Wm. Sickels.

            April 1, ’84, Chas. A. Tarr resigned as supervisor and Wm. Sickels was appointed to fill the vacancy.

            April, 1884: Sup – Silas Hill; Clk. – Sheldon Wight; Treas. – John McLaren; H.C. Wm. Stahl; J.P. – Wm. Sickels, Jo. Wright; Dr. Com. – L.D. Lincoln; Review – Wm. Sickels, Jo. Wright.

            Wm. Sickels was appointed census enumerator by the board.

            June 20, C.S. Betts was appointed drain commissioner in place of L.D. Lincoln.

            April, 1885: Sup. – Carroll Sherman Betts; Clk. – A.L. Wight; Treas. – Wm. Cornell; H.C. – E.P. Potter; J.P. – Wm. Stahl; vacancy, C.N. Tarr; Sch. Insp. – Emma C. Sickels, Seth J. Curtis; Dr. Com. – L.D. Lincoln.

            April, 1886: Sup. – C.S. Betts; Clk. A.L. Wight; Treas. – Wm. Cornell; H.C. – Wm. Stahl; J.P. – John McLaren; Sch. Insp. – Sam. Lambright; Review – E. P. Potter, Sheldon Wight.

            April, 1887: Sup. – C.S. Betts; Clk. – Stephen A. Cornwell; Treas. – John P. Richmond; H.C. – L.D. Lincoln; J.P. – Chas. A. Tarr; vacancy, Wm. Force; Sch. Insp. – Geo. Little; Dr. Com. – Seneca M. Cole; Review – Wm. Sickels, C.A. Tarr.

            April, 1888: Sup. – C.S. Betts: Clk. – S.A. Cornwell; Treas. – J.P. Richmond; H.C.  – Chas. F. Lincoln; J.P. – Wm. Sickels; vacancy, John R. Williams; Sch. Insp. – Sam. Lambright; Dr. Com. – Jas. W. Baker.

            April, 1889: Sup. – C.S. Betts; Clk. – E. P. Potter; Treas. – John B. Rowell; H.C. – Benj. Austin; J.P. – Seneca M. Cole; vacancy, H.A. Ream; Sch. Insp. – Geo. Little; Dr. Com. – J.D. Lincoln.

            April, 1890: Sup. – Elon  P. Potter; Clk. – Wm. A. Haight; Treas. – Frank A. Derry; H.C. – Benj. Austin; J.P. – John McLaren; Sch. Insp. – Sam. Lambright; Dr. Com. – Samuel Barton; Review – Seneca M. Cole, Silas Hill.

            April, 1891: Sup. – E.P. Potter; Clk. – A.L. Wight; Treas. – Frank A. Derry; H.C. – Benj. Austin; J.P. – Henry Traver; vacancy, Wm. Stahl; Sch. Insp. – Issac L. Huntoon; Dr. Com. – Dewitt C. Wilkinson; Review – Reuben Ringle.

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            April, 1892: Sup. – E.P. Potter; Clk. – A.L.Wight; Treas. – John R. Williams; H.C. – Benj. Austin; J.P. – L.D. Lincoln; vacancy, L.L. Huntoon; Sch. Insp. – Sam. Lambright: Dr. Com. – Abram Weaver; Review – Silas Hill, Sheldon Wight.

            April, 1893: Sup. – E.P. Potter; Clk. – A.L. Wight; Treas. – John. R. Williams; H.C. – D.N. Hoag; J.P. – Abram Weaver; Sch. Insp. – L.L. Huntoon; Review – Frank A. Derry.

            April, 1894: Sup. – E.P. Potter; Clk. – A.L. Wight; Trea. – Wm. P. Cornell; H.C. – D.N. Hoag; J.P. – John McLaren; Sch. Insp. – Sam. Lambright; Dr. Com. – R.J. Dillsworth; Review – Silas Hill, F.A. Derry.

            April, 1895: Sup. – E.P. Potter; Clk. – A.L. Wight; Treas. – Wm. P. Cornell; H.C. – D.N. Hoag; J.P. – Eugene D. Webber; Sch. Insp. – Anna Derry; Review – F.A. Derry.

            April, 1896: Sup. – E.P. Potter; Clk. – A.L. Wight; Treas. – John R. Williams; H.C. – D.N. Hoag; J.P. – A. Hazelton; Sch. Insp. – Seth J. Curtis; Dr. Com. - Wm. Stahl; Review – Silas Hill.

            April, 1897: Sup. - E.P. Potter; Clk. – A.L. Wight; Treas. – Silas Hill; H.C. – D.N. Hoag; J.P. – Frank Clickner; vacancy, John Hatfield; Sch. Insp. – Herbert L. Ringle; Review – John R. Williams.

            April, 1898:  Sup. – E.P. Potter; Clk. – A.L. Wight; Treas. – Silas Hill; H.C. – D.N. Hoag; J.P. – John R. Williams; Sch., Insp. – C.S. Betts; Review – Wm. Stahl.

            April, 1899: Sup. – E.P. Potter, John B. Rowell, tie vote: Pottter won: Clk. – A.L. Wight; Treas. – J. R. Williams; H.C. – D.N. Hoag; J.P. – R.J. Dillsworth; Sch. Insp. – Herbert J. Ringle; Review – Silas Hill, Jas. W. Baker.

            April, 1900: Sup. – E.P. Potter; Clk. A.L. Wight; Treas. – J.R. Williams; H.C. – Silas Hill; J.P. – John Hatfield; Sch. Insp. – Arthur Williams; Review – S.P. Pino.

            April, 1901: Sup. – E.P. Potter; Clk. – A.L. Wight; Treas. – Silas Hill; H.C. – Arthur Williams; J.P. – Jas. W. Baker; Sch. Insp. – H.L. Ringle; Review – John McLaren.

            April, 1902: Sup. – E.P. Potter; Clk. – A.L. Wight; Treas. – Silas Hill; H.C. – A. Williams; - J.P. – J.R. Williams; Sch. Insp. – D.E. Bickford, Seth J. Curtis; Review – S.P. Pino.

            April, 1903: Sup. – E.P. Potter; Clk. – A.L. Wight; Treas. – Seth J. Curtis; H.C. – John Hatfield; J.P. – D.E. Bickford; Sch. Insp. – Frank Hill; Review – C.H. Putnam.

            April, 1904: Sup. – E.P. Potter; Clk. – Wilbur F. Markham; Treas. – S.J. Curtis; H.C. – C.H. Putnam; J.P. – J.B. Rowell; vacancy, Wm. E. Moore; Sch. Insp. – D.E. Bickford; Review – Silas Hill.

            April, 1905: Sup. - Wilbur F. Markham; Clk. – Jas. W. Baker; Treas. – Arthur Williams; H.C. – C.H. Putnam; J.P. – S.J. Curtis; vacancy, John Hatfield; Sch. Insp. – Frank Hill; Review – J.R. Williams.

            April, 1906: Sup. – Seth J. Curtis; Clk. – J.W. Baker; Treas. – Arthur Williams; H.C. – C.H. Putnam; J.P. – J.R. Williams; vacancy, F.J. Smith; vacancy, A.D. Weaver; Sch. Insp. – M. Steadman; Review L.G. Hull.

            April, 1907: Sup. – S.J. Curtis; Clk. – J.W. Baker; Treas. – L.G. Hull; H.C. – M. Steadman; J.P. – Geo. Grinnell; vacancy, S.P. Pino; Sch. Insp. – Chas. Anderson; Review – Willard Hill.

            April, 1908:  Sup. – S.J. Curtis: Clk. – J.W. Baker; Treas. – L.G. Hull; H.C. – M. Steadman; J.P. – C.H. Putnam; vacancy, A. Williams; Sch. Insp. – Frank Hill; Review – Robert C. Kerr.

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            April, 1909: Sup. – L.G. Hull; Clk. – J.W. Baker; Treas. – C.H. Putnam; H.C. – M. Steadman; Overseer – S.P. Pino; J.P. – E.P. Croft; vacancy, R.C. Kerr; Review – Frank Hill.

            April, 1910: Sup. – L.G. Hull; Clk. – J.W. Baker; Treas. – C.H. Putnam; H.C. – Geo. Grinnell; Overseer – D.E. Bickford; J.P. – Frank Hill; Review – R.C. Kerr.

            April, 1911: Sup. – L.G. Hull; Clk. – J.W. Baker; Treas. – Burr Betts; J.P. – N.G. Fox; vacancy, E.H. Arnold; Review – W.P. Gruesbeck; H.C. – Earl Cook.

            April, 1912: Sup. – Jas. W. Baker; Clk. – Arthur Williams; Treas. – M.N. Steadman; H.C. – A.D. Weaver; O. of H. – Edwin Hill; J.P. – E.P. Croft; vacancy, R.C. Kerr; Review – W.P. Gruesbeck.

            Woman Suffrage: Yes, 53; no, 70.

            County Road System: Yes, 59; no, 73.


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