Britten Family Reunion Notes

On the second Sunday in Aug 1948 a picnic dinner of the Britten family was held at Lumberjack Park and it was decided at the that time to make it an annual affair in the form of a family reunion. P(eter) W. Britten was appointed chairman and officers were elected as follows:
Adam Britten President
John Strahan Vice President
Claude Britten Secretary
Basil Britten Treasurer
The following committees were appointed for 1949
Table committee
LaRune Palmanteer
Regina Britten
Doris Britten
Program committee
Ruth Sparks
Leona Harrell
A collection was taken of $10.01
Two dollars given to park
Bal 8.01
The pavilion was reserved for the second Sunday in Aug. each year.

The second annual reunion of the Britten Family was held at the Lumber Jack park in Aug second Sun 1949. The meeting was called to order by the president Adam Britten who gave a short speech.

Minutes of the meeting was read and approved.

A history of the family was given by Peter Britten taking it back many years ago.

A very interesting talk was given by Gordon Britten.

Mrs Doris Britten gave a reading

Mrs. Katie Beaubier was elected honor president being the oldest member present

Collection $11.19
Bal on hand $9.20

Paid out for ice cream $7.50

We paid the park for use of pavilion $2.50

Table committee

Bertha Scramlin
Ruth Sparks
Betty Scramlin

Entertainment Committee
Leona Harrel
Evelyn Strahan
Doris Peterman
Mildred White
Willard Britten
Ruth Britten

The election of officers elected for this year was as follows
Willard Britten President
Basil Britten Treasurer
Harry White Secty

Moved that the oldest member be honary president.

Third Britten Reunion

The Britten family reunion was held Aug 13 at the Lumber Jack park. The  meeting was called to order by the president Willard Britten. Minutes of the last meeting were read by the sec. Harry White, and approved.
Election of officers were
Wayne Scramlin president
Peter Jay Britten Sec.
Ruth Britten Treasurer
The meeting was turned over to the entertainment chairman. Mildred White announced the following program

Opening songs lead by Evelyn Strahan
Recitation by Diane Britten
Song by Jack & Nancy Britten
Reading – Adam Britten
Entertainment by Strahan Kiddies
Reading – Doris Britten
Song by Jacki Kaye White
Recitation by Michael Britten
Guitar solo – Nancy Britten
Balance on hand for 1949 – 9.20

Ice cream 14.50
Postage .56
Donation to park 5.00

Paid out $20.06

Bal on hand 1.08

The third Sunday in August next year.

August 18 – 1951 Fourth Reunion

1. Called to order by Wayne Scramlin
2. Minutes of last meeting by secretary
3. Treasurers report
4. Collection of $7.30
5. In treasure from last year 1.08
6. Plus from Ice Cream 3.63
7. Adam Britten elected president
8. Emma Baker was elected Secretary and Treasurer
9. Motion made and carried by present people that all entertainment be brought by members and no entertainment committee appointed.
10. Bertha Scramlin presented a foot race and Charlie Baker won by a toe.
Claude Britten told a story of two Mexicans hitch hiking
Next year we do not have pavilion due to cost.
2nd Sunday in August for next year.

2.50 paid to park.
Balance on hand $6.47

Peter J. Britten

The 5th Annual Reunion of the Britten family was held at the Lumber Jack Park Aug 10th 1952.
Called to order by the President
Song America
Prayer by Marvin Heminger
Minutes of last meeting read & approved
Motion made & carried that Bertha Scramlin act as President the coming year
Motion made & carried Doris Britten act as Secretary & Treasurer
Motion made that we pay 3.00 for the care of the park. Carried.
We are to have the pavilion if the weather is bad.
Collection $15.20
We paid $8.50 for ice cream
We sold what was left to LaRuir Palmeteer $3.50 leaving a total paid out 
for ice cream 5.10
With what was left over from last year there is a grand total of $10.95.
President turned the meeting over to entertainment committee. Recitation 
Barbara Herald
Recitation Richard Houck
Preview of big fish stories by Peter Britten & Adam Britten
Baton twirling the Strahan twins
Song by all – “Blest be the tie that binds”
All departed saying they had a good time
Closed by all saying the Lords prayer.

Emma Baker, Secy.

The sixth Britten reunion at the pavilion at Lumber Jack Park Aug 16.
The third Sunday in August will be the date for future years.
President Mrs Bertha Scramlin called the meeting with singing God Bless America.
Followed by a prayer by Marvin Heminger.
A welcome and a tribute to the fore fathers of the families by Bertha Scramlin.
Minutes of last years by secretary.
Election of officers 
President Bertha reelected for coming year
Vice President Claude Britten
Sec & Tres Mrs. Wayne Scramlin
The largest crowd attended so far with 59 at the long picnic table with 70 present at the meeting.
Those from farthest away were Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Heminger & daughter 
Mrs Emery Takaco & son of Toledo, Ohio, and Mr. & Mrs Lee Bownds of 
They were warmly welcomed and promised to be with us another year.
$5.00 was give to park.
$2.05 for postage & lemonade.
Collection $14.10
Balance on hand $3.90 from 52.
Total on hand $18.00
Songs by Strahan children
Recitation by Barbra Herrall, Philip (Butch) Scramlin, Linda Herrall, 
Adam Britten.
Mildred White gave a reading taught her by her grandfather Joel Britten.

Meeting closed by singing God Be with you till we meet again. With a prayer by Lee Boundo.

Doris Britten

The Seventh annual Britten reunion was held in the pavilion at Lumberjack Park on Aug. 15, 1954. It was decided to hold future reunions on the Third Sunday in August. The meeting was called to order by our President, Bertha Scramlin. Prayer by Emma Baker. “God Bless America” sang by group.
Election of officers for coming year:
President: Basil Britten
Vice-President: Pete Britten
Sec. & Treas: Leona Harrell
Motion made & passed to buy tree from park. It was voted to pay $5.00 for 
use of the pavilion.
Readings by Leona Harrell and Betty Scramlin.
The reunion will be held next year at the John Strahn home near Riverdale.
Collection $10.03 & 1 washer
Balance on hand $18.00
Total $28.03

Paid out for
Lemons & sugar 1.50
Cards 1.00
To park 5.00
Tree 10.00
Leaving a balance on hand of 
Meeting was closed by singing “God be with you till we meet again”
Benediction by Emma Baker.

Betty Scramlin

The eighth annual Britten Reunion was held at the Lumberjack pavilion on Sunday August 21st 1955. The meeting was called to order by the President Basil Britten.
Invocation by Marvin Hemminger.
Secretary’s report read and approved.
Officers elected as follows.
President – Bertha Scramlin
Vice Pres. – Gail Britten
Sec. & Treas. – Milly Britten
It was decided to give 5.00 to the park.

Collection 10.05
Balance on hand 10.53
Total 20.58 20.58

Expenses – 
Lemons & sugar 2.19
Cards 1.00
To park 5.00
Balance on hand 12.39

The ninth annual Britten Reunion was held at the Lumberjack Park August 19th 1956. The meeting was called to order by our President, Bertha Scramlin. There was a poem of welcome read by our President. An article on chain letters was read by Gordon Britten. The secretary-treasure’s report was read & approved.
Election of officers as follows:
President – Doris Britten
Vice President – Gale Britten
Sec-Treas. – Doris Peterman

A motion was made & seconded to give $5.00 to the park for use of the pavilion. Our next meeting will be held the third Sunday in August – 1957. The meeting was closed by a prayer given by Emma Baker.

Collection 14.75
Balance on hand 12.39

Park 5.00
Cards .80
Sugar & lemons 1.00

Balance 20.34

Mildred M. Britten

August 18, 1957

The tenth annual Britten reunion was held the third Sunday in August 1957 at Lumberjack Park pavilion. The meeting was called to order by our president, Doris Britten with a welcome by Bertha Scramlin. Ricky sparks 
entertained with several selections on his accordion which was greatly enjoyed by all. Mrs. Cora Wells was introduced to the gathering.

Election of officers was as following:
Gale Britten, Pres.
Peter J. Britten, Vice Pres.
Leona Herrell, Sec. Treas.

Balance carried fwd 20.34
Collection 10.05

Expenses cards .78
Lemonade 1.50
Park 5.00

Balance on hand 23.11

Motion made & carried to pay 5.00 to park for use of pavilion. Next years reunion to be held 3rd Sunday in August. Meeting adjourned by Pres.

Doris Peterman, SecyTreas

August 17, 1958

The eleventh annual Britten reunion was held on August 17th, 1958 at the Lumberjack Park with 42 present. The meeting was called to order by the president Gail Britten. Special recognition was given to the following: Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Heminger who came the farthest to attend; Grandpa Pete, the oldest member & Charlie Baker, the second oldest. Teresa Britten was the youngest & Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Britten had the most children there.

Secretarys & treasurer’s reports were read & approved. Motion was made & approved that we give $5.00 to the park & reserve the pavilion for the 3rd Sunday in August next year. Motion was made & approved that the present officers be retained for another year. A moment of silence was observed in respect for those who had passed away in the last year. Meeting adjourned.

Balance carried forward $23.11
Collection 9.00
Lemons & Sugar 1.66
Postcards 1.26 Balance on hand
Park 5.00 $24.18

Aug. 16, 1959

The twelfth annual Britten reunion was held on August 16, 1959 at the Lumberjack Park with 42 present. The meeting was called to order by the president Gail Britten.
Secretary’s & treasurer’s reports were read & approved. Motion was made & seconded to give the park $5.00 & reserve the pavilion for the 3rd Sunday in August next year. Motion made & seconded that the reunion buy a tree in the park. Motion carried. Grandpa Pete & Basil Britten are to select the tree.
Election of officers was as follows.
President – Beryl Scramlin
Vice President – Max Harrell
Sec. & Treas. – Gordon Britten

The oldest member present was Grandpa Pete & youngest was Julie Ann Britten.

It was decided to buy 5 gal. of ice cream for next years reunion. Meeting adjourned.

Treas report – Balance carried forward $24.18
Collection 7.90
Expenses – Lemonade – 1.40
Post cards 1.20
Donation to park & tree 15.00 Balance on hand
17.60 $14.48

August 21, 1960

The thirteenth annual Britten reunion was held on Aug 20, 1960 at the Lumberjack Park with 35 present.
Meeting was called to order by Pres Beryl Scramlin. Sec & Treas. Report read and approved.
Motion made to hold next years reunion 3rd Sun in Aug at Lumberjack Park and pay $5.00 to park.
Motion made to purchase 2 ½ gal of ice cream.
Youngest member – Allan Britten
Oldest member – Peter W. Britten

Election of officers was as follows
Peter J. Britten – President
Ruth Sparks – Vice President
Donald Britten – Sec-Treas

Bal on hand from 1959 14.48
Collection 10.12
Total receipts 24.60
Sale of ice cream 1.80
Expenditures 26.40
Ice Cream 7.50
Park 5.00
12.50 12.50
Bal on hand $13.90
??? .85

Aug 20, 1961

The fourteenth annual Britten reunion was held at Lumberjack Park on Aug 20th 1961 with 57 present. 
The meeting was called to order by President Peter J. Britten
Secondary (sic) & treasurers report was read and approved
The motion was made that we pay 10.00 to Lumberjack Park by Peter W. Britten & second & passed.

Election of office
President Chet Sparks
Vice President Wayne Scramlin
Sec Treas Judy King

Youngest member Kimberly Sue Lovell
Oldest member Peter W. Britten

Balance carried forward 14.75
Collection 10.00

Expenses cards .75
Lemonade 1.40
$10.00 pay to park for Pl. 1962 10.00

Aug 19, 1962

The fifteenth annual Britten Reunion was held at the Lumber Jack Park on Aug. 19th 1962 with 45 present. The meeting was called to order by President.
Sec. And Tres. report was read and approved.
The motion was made that we pay 10.00 again this year to the Park by Regina (Britten) and second & passed.

Election of officers:
President Beryl Scramlin
Vice President Betty Scramlin
Sec. & Tres. Lorraine Britten

Youngest Member
Oldest Member

Balance carried forward 13.10
Collection 12.60
Expenses cards 1.11
$10 for Park 10.00

(There was no reunion held the year of 1963 due to the death of patriarch Peter W. Britten)

August 16, 1964

The Sixteenth Annual Britten Reunion was held at the Lumberjack Park on August 16, 1964.
The meeting was called to order by President Beryl Scramlin.
Secretary and Treas. Report was read by Lorraine Britten and approved. 
The motion was made by Peter J. Britten and voted upon that we continue on with the Reunion.
Election of officers was held with
Bertha Scramlin – President
Doris Downs – Vice President
Gale Britten – Sec’t. & Treas.

It was decided to give the park $10.00.

Bal. Carried fwd. 14.59
Expenses – cards 1.20
Bal on Hand 13.39
Collection 8.00
Bal. 21.39
Park donation 10.00
Bal. For 1964 $11.39

(There were no formal minutes for 1965 – only a treasurer’s report that continued on the same page as 1964)

Expenses – cards 1.20
1965 Bal. $10.19
Collection 1965 5.00
Bal. 1965 15.19

(This ended the Britten Reunions at Lumberjack Park. In 1996, a new generation revived the Reunion with a large gathering at the Alma National Guard Armory. Willard “Wink” Britten was now the patriarch of the family and Regina Britten was second oldest. The next year the Reunion returned to Lumberjack Park and again in 1998.)

Here is a list of attendees found in the minutes book for 1947-1965 (it was 
likely written in the later years):

Max and Leona Harrell, Riverdale
Peter W. Britten (deceased)
Claude Britten (Doris Downs), 113 Randolph, Lansing, Mich.
Basil Britten
Peter J. Britten, 210 Rose, Big Rapids
Ruth and Chet Sparks, 158 Moyer, Alma
Adam Britten (deceased)
Joe Britten Houghton Lake (deceased – send to wife)
Willard Britten, Riverdale
Max Britten, St. Louis
Mildred & Harry White, Elwell, then Riverdale
Jack White, Riverdale
John and Doris Peterman, Tucson, Arizona
Emma & Charles Baker, Riverdale (deceased)
John & Evely Strahan
Claudian and Earl J. Houck, Texas
Ruth and Arnold King, 18486 Provost St., Detroit
Gordon and Millie Britten, Grass Lake
Gail and Lorraine Britten, 538 Highland St, 1416 Paris SE, then 1716 
Kentfield SW, Grand Rapids
Charles Beaubier, Detroit (deceased)
Helen Beaubier (deceased)
Kathryn Granum, Washington, DC
Richard Beaubier, Royal Oak, Mich
Wilford Beaubier, Canada
Morris Pixley, Eaton Rapids
Nora Huber, Charlotte
Rush Britten, Eaton Rapids
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tubbs, Charlotte
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Riley, Charlotte
Mrs. Roy Spotts, Charlotte
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hemminger, Toledo then Sylvania, Ohio
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bounds, Detroit
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sylvester, Bowling Green then Portage, Ohio
Mrs. Edith Perkins, Eaton Rapids
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Dawker, Charlotte
Mrs. Bessie Huber, Charlotte
Mr. and Mrs Carl Beers, Leslie
Mr. and Mrs. Don Britten, Elwell
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Scramlin, Riverdale
Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Scramlin, Riverdale
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tedhams, Elwell
Mr. and Mrs. James White, Houghton Lake
Mrs. Edwin Scramlin
Cora Wells, Eaton Rapids
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sanders, Eaton Rapids
Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Canfield, Eaton Rapids
Mr. & Mrs. Dale C. King, Alma
Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Lovell, Big Rapids then Rockford

This file was donated to the Gratiot County pages by David Britten.  If you have ties to this family please contact him.   Family Pages Online
