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        George J. Acker, of Pine River Township, was born April 12, 1848, in Crawford County, Ohio, son of George Acker and Catharine (Gebhart) Acker, the former born in Bavaria, Germany, September 29, 1822, the latter also born in Germany.  Death claimed the mother when the little son was but two and a half years old, and the father was married later to Catharine Laib.  Children resulted from this latter union as follows:  Mary C., born November 16, 1853, died in 1895; John M., born July 3, 1855; Sophia L., born May 13, 1857, died in 1894; William C. born August 20, 1859; Eliza, born August 26,1 861; Caroline, born January 21, 1864; Frank, born April 8, 1867; David, born October 4, 1869; Edward, born April 12, 1876, died December 1894.
        George J. Acker removed with his parents to Lowell, Kent County, Mich., in 1853, where he lived until December 5, 1868, hen he removed to St. Louis, Michigan.  Previous to his removal to this county, he was married--September 28, 1868--at Lowell, to Ann Graham, daughter of W. K. and Margaret (Bolton) Graham.  The father was born February 7, 1809, the mother, December 7, 1811.  Ann Graham was born in England, November 16, 1845, the following being her brothers and sisters, all born in England:  Henry, born April 29, 1835, died April 2, 1856; James, born March 31, 1837, died May 12, 1856; Margaret, born April 26, 1841; William, born April 15, 1839, died August 1, 1909; Walter, born June 17, 1843, died in 1905; Charles, born August 21, 1848, died in December, 1877; Sarah, born May 19, 1850.  Ann (Graham) Acker, wife of our subject, died October 17, 1876.
        The following data are given concerning the lives of George J. Acker's children:  Charles E. was born at St. Louis, May 3, 1870, and was married to Lottie Richmond in May, 1896.  They have one son--Clyde.  They are farmers in the township of Porter, Midland County, Michigan.  Sarah E. was born June 30, 1872, in St. Louis, and was married to Dennis Woodmansee of Pine River Township, in November 1892.  She died in November, 1902, leaving two children--Hazel and Miles.  Percy W. Acker was born in St. Louis, July 19, 1874.  He is married to Nina Sias, of St. Louis.  Gracie E. was born in St. Louis, April 1, 1879.  September 29, 1901, she was married to Charles Mapes, of Pine River Township; now engaged in farming in Wheeler Township.  George Acker, Jr., was born in St. Louis, May 28, 1884.  He was united in marriage in Pine River, in October, 1907, to Mabel Gilbert, of that township, where they now reside.  They have a little son, Keith, born March 28, 1909.
        At the age of 18, Mr. Acker left home to learn the trade of carpenter and joiner, a vocation which he followed while a resident of St. Louis.  April 15, 1886, he removed with his family to a farm which he bought, located on section 12, Pine River township, where he has since resided.  He know has a good and fertile farm, well supplied with suitable and conveneient buildings, and, with his estimable wife, is enjoying a good degree of prosperity, well earned and worthily bestowed.
        Recognizing his worth, Mr. Acker's townsmen have chosen him one of the justices of the peace of the township, a position which he filled satifactorily for a period of about 15 years.  Soon after his arrival in St. Louis, he united with the First Presbyterian Church, and has continued an active and consistent member up to the present time, Mrs. Acker also being a member, and both regular attendants at the services.  Mr. Acker has been on the church board as an Elder for many years.  It is gratifying to mention also that all of the children are members of some branch of the Christian Church.
        Mr. Acker votes the Prohibition ticket, and one of his chief desires is to see Michigan a "dry" state.
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Taken from Tucker's History of Gratiot County, Pg. 488-489
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