Gratiot County Michigan 

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Michigan State Gazetteer and Business Birectory for 1863/4- [v. 1]

Michigan state gazetteer and business directory for 1863/1864

Detroit, Comp. and published by C. F. Clark, 1863-

Gratiot County pg. 92-93

Gratiot is situated in the central part of the State, and is bounded on the north by Midland and Isabella, on the east by Saginaw, south by Clinton, west by Montcalm, and contains 576 square miles. The surface is undulating, well timbered with pine and other timber, and the soil is fertile and well adapted to grass and grain. The county is watered by the Maple and Pine rivers, and their tributaries. It contained in 1860 a population of 4,027. The following is a list of towns, to wit: Arcadia, Bellany, Elba, Emerson, Fulton, Hamilton, Lafayette, Newark, New Haven, Shode, North Star, Pine River, fertile, Sumner, Washington. The total value of real estate, estimated at $560,560; whole number of farms occupied, 333; acres improved, 7,858; acres unimproved, 33,427; bushels of wheat, 14,472; rye; 822; Indian corn, 17,671; oats, 9,202; potatoes, 8,122; maple sugar, 93,150 pounds. Milling and manufacturing has engaged public attention to some extent, but we have no reliable data at hand to furnish under this head.

ALMA pg. 171

A post village in Gratiot county, situated on Pine river, 30 miles north of St. Johns, on the Detroit and Milwaukee railroad, and 130 miles north-west from Detroit. Fare on traveled route, $4.85. The country around is represented as being exceedingly fertile. A plank road is building from Alma to Saginaw City, 34 miles distant. Mail once a week.

Postmaster --James Gargett.

Township Officers.

Supervisor --W. Nelson.

Town Clerk --Lyman S. Brooke.

Treasurer --Joseph Backus.

List of Professions, Trades, etc.

Adams Henry, boot and shoe maker.

Baughman D W, physician.

Barns Albert A, cooper.

Barns J W, physician.

Bijur Daniel, gunsmith.

Case William, flour and saw mill.

Chafield Charles, carriage maker.

Clark William W, machinist.

Ely Townsend A, livery stable.

Gargett James, real estate agent.

Gargett Louisa Mrs, milliner.

Grover Thomas, blacksmith.

Hillson James, boot and shoe maker.

Holiday Lorton, hotel.

Hulbert Horace B, general store.

Jennings George W, justice of the peace.

Kingsly Alonzo E, saloon.

Rogers Almon C, carpenter.

Rogers William N, blacksmith.

Turk William, lumber dealer.

Wazny Patrick, editor


A post office of Gratiot county.


A post office of Gratiot county, in the township of Pine River, 136 miles north-west from Detroit.

Postmaster --A. Packard.

List of Professions, Trades, etc.

Cheesman John, druggist.

Foland Theodore, general store.

Hillyer Richard G, flouring and saw mill.

Holiday Cornelius, justice of the peace.

McHenry G W, hotel.

Packard Amasa, justice of the peace.

Reeves James, carpenter.

Sanburn Moses, carpenter.

Totten A J, blacksmith.


ITHICA pg. 356

A post village, and the capital of Gratiot county, situated 20 miles north of St. Johns, on the Detroit and Milwaukee railroad and 120 miles from Detroit. Fare, from Detroit, $2 95. It contains four organized religious denominations, to wit: Baptist, Methodist, Christian, and United Brethren, one weekly newspaper, the "Gratiot News," published by George Tompkins; a Masonic lodge, No 123; a saw mill and flouring mill, two stores and several mechanic shops. The merchants receive their goods via Detroit and Milwaukee railroad, at St. Johns. It has two mails per week, north and south, and one east and west.

Postmaster - John Jeffrey.

List of Professions, Trades, etc.

Barnaby, H T Rev, (United Brethren).

Beard, F Rev, (Christian).

Church, Lafayette Rev, (Baptist).

Comstock, William W, boots, shoes and groceries.

Comstock, William W, hotel.

Cook, E C, carpenter.

Crawford, Benjamin, justice of the peace.

Herrington, A J, carriage maker.

Hunt, Erastus, blacksmith.

Jeffrey, John, general store.

Kreight , John, justice of the peace.

Marshall, Elizabeth Miss, milliner.

Marvin, C W, druggist.

Nott, S L, cooper.

Smith, L C, blacksmith.

Smith, L C, justice of the peace.

Tompkins, George, proprietor of the "News."

Tompkins, M, editor of the "News."

Tompkins & Marston, lawyers.

Tackworth, Gideon, mason.

Winton, William E, lawyer.

Winton, William E, real estate agent.



A post office of Gratiot county.


A post office of Gratiot county.


A post office of Gratiot county


A township of Gratiot county, containing the post office of "Forest Hill." Population, 500,


Supervisor --Cornelius Holiday.

Clerk -- Silas Moody.

Treasurer -- John N. Adams.



A post office of Gratiot county

ST. LOUIS pg 471

A small post village in the township of Pine River, Gratiot county, 128 miles north-west from Detroit; fare $5. The village is sometimes known as "Pine River," though the post office address is "St. Louis." The soil of the vicinity is a light sandy loam; surface of township gently undulating; in the northern part level, and mostly covered with a heavy growth of pine and hard timber. A fine unimproved water-power exists here. The inhabitants are largely engaged in lumbering, and get out many million feet of logs annually, which are rafted down for the Saginaw mills. The village has four stores, two hotels, a saw mill, and a flour mill. Population, 200. A weekly mail is received.

Postmaster --George W. McHenry.

List of Professions, Trades, etc.

Cheeseman, John R, physician.

Clark, L M, hotel.

Cummins, James, grocer.

Drake, Edward L, lawyer.

Dodge, S Rev, (Methodist).

Eaton, Richard, cooper.

Foland, Theodore H, general store.

Foland, T H Mrs, general store.

Halladay, Cornelius, justice of the peace.

Hastings, S S, justice of the peace.

Hillyer, Richard G, flouring and saw mills.

Holcomb, Henry L, lumber dealer.

Kibbey, Erskine, gunsmith.

McHenry, G W, hotel.

Miller, Charles W, cabinet maker.

Myre, Jacob, physician.

Packard, Amusa, justice of the peace.

Phillips, Spencer, carriage maker.

Reeves, William, carpenter.

Rooks, James, carpenter.

Sias, Davis, grocer.

Skinner, Samuel C, jeweler.

Smith, E W, carpenter.

Smith, E W Mrs, milliner.

Spiller, Moses B, machinist.

Tolton, Leverett J, blacksmith.

Vliet, James, mason.

Vliet, Joseph, mason.

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