History of GRATIOT CO., Michigan. Historical Biographical, Statistical

By Willard D. Tucker pub. 1913 Press of Seemann & Peters, Saginaw, Michigan

Village of Ashley;  pgs.  1063-1094





Albert Nathan Palmeter was born in Vermontville, Eaton County, Mich., May 6, 1866. His father, Joseph Palmeter, was born in Harpersville, New York, July 4, 1834. He served as a volunteer in the Union army during the Civil War. May 24, 1864, he was married to Jane Buchanan, who was born at South D a n e s v il 1 e, N. Y., December 4, 1846. To them were born two children, Albert N. and Edward H. The mother died July 10, 1871, leaving the two little boys to the care of the bereaved father.

Albert N. left home at the age of nine years, working at farm work among the farmers of the neighborhood, until he arrived at the age of 15 years, when he came to Gratiot County, where he was employed in shingle mills and saw mills till he was 21 years old. Then he went to Newaygo County, Mich., and worked for the lumber firm of Plumb & Meggs on their t r a m roads, being promoted to the posi­tion of boss or overseer of the work the last three years of his service with that firm.

After the close of his service with Plum & Meggs in Newaygo County, Mr. Palmeter returned to Gratiot County, locating in Ashley, where he found employment with the Ashley Table Manufacturing Company for several years. He afterward was employed as clerk in the general store of C. E. Beck, remaining in that capacity three years. He then entered into mercantile business on his own account, continuing thus engaged eight years.

Early foreseeing the inevitable advance that must take place in the value of real estate surrounding the Village of Ashley, Mr. Palmeter invested in a piece of wild land south of the village, upon which he has worked early and late during the last few years, until he has developed it into a fine and productive farm. Recently he has added 20 acres lying between his farm and the southern boundary line of the village, thus making him a fine farm of 120 acres adjoining the village, upon which he has erected a large farm barn, and more recently, a beautiful and commodious dwelling house, for a permanent home for himself and his family.

On the 6th day of June 1894, Mr. Palmeter was joined in marriage to Miss Eda Ceasar, of Fulton Township, and to them have been born two children. Clare Ceasar Palmeter was born August 28, 1898; Dale Howard Palmeter was born August 11, 1903, and died November 19, 1903.

Eda (Ceasar) Palmeter was born in the Township of Fulton, Gratiot County, June 6, 1870, and lived there with her parents till her marriage. Her father, Levi Ceasar, was born in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, November 14, 1814. Her mother, Catharine (Broadbeck) Ceasar, was born in Baltimore, Maryland, September 20, 1832. After their marriage they settled in Fulton County, Ohio, where they lived until 1854, when they came to Gratiot County, settling on section 24, Fulton Township, where they lived till the death of Mr. Ceasar, March 10, 1897. They cleared the land on which they lived, and experienced many of the hardships of the period when this county was designated as “Starving Gratiot.”

Mr. and Mrs. Ceasar had seven children—J. Franklin, Matilda A., Sarah A. C., Alma G., Alvin A., Ida A. and Eda J. Franklin was born November 27, 1850; Matilda A., September 6, 1853; Sarah C., May 27, 1856; Alma G., August 7,1858, died October 24, 1858; Alvin A., February 3,1861 ; Ida A., September 22, 1867; Eda A., June 6, 1870. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Ceasar made her home, until her death—August 17, 1908— with her daughter, Mrs. Palmeter.

Although Mr. Palmeter was thrown upon his own resources at the early age of nine years, and was unable to get more than a limited education in the district schools, his natural abilities, his sterling character and his adaptability to his environments, whatever they were, have always secured for him just and proper recognition among the prominent and influential people of the community. As proof of this it seems proper to mention that he has been a member of the Ashley school board; for several years a member of the Ashley Village Council, and was for two years president of the village. He also served one year as supervisor of the Township of Elba.


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