History of GRATIOT CO., Michigan. Historical Biographical, Statistical

By Willard D. Tucker pub. 1913 Press of Seemann & Peters, Saginaw, Michigan

Village of Ashley;  pgs.  1063-1094


Methodist Episcopal Church.

Ashley’s Methodists were organized into a class in November, 1887, with charter members as follows: Samuel Webb, Mrs. Samuel Webb, John Powers, Mrs. Mary Powers, Darius Pechtel, Mrs. D. Pechtel. During the year 1888 members were added as follows: D. B. Ackmoody, Mrs. A. Stead­man, Mrs. Mary A. Chittenden, Mrs. Annice Tripp, Mrs. Welthy Graham, Harley Garlock, Kelly S. Searl; Mrs. Maggie Searl, Chas. M. Smith, Mrs. Jeannette M. Smith, Della A. Wells.

The society maintained a reasonable degree of prosperity and popu­larity, and the succeeding years saw many new members added to the list. In 1888 the initial steps were taken for the erection of a church edifice. The foundation was laid that year, but the building was not completed till along in 1890. It is of brick and is a tasty little structure. The brick were the first manufactured in Ashley, and were made by D. W. C. Tiffany who established a brick-making plant in 1889. The society has the usual auxiliaries—Sunday school. Ladies’ Aid, etc.

Since its organization the Church has been under the ministrations of the following named pastors: E. A. Boynton ; J. W. McAllister, appointed 1887 ; F. P. Sprague, ‘89 ; A. E. North, ‘90 ; J. E. Messner, ‘91 ; John Close, ‘94; I. H. Skinner, ‘95; B. J. Youngs, ‘97: N. W. Weston, ‘99; J. W. Hay­ward, ‘02 ; F. E. Chamberlain, ‘06 ; John Clemens. ‘09.

The present pastor is Rev. R. V. Birdsall, who came in the fall of 1913.



Ashley has had a variety of newspapers since the first copy of the first paper—the Ashley Argus—was issued in March 1887, by Win. C. Briggs. A variety numerically and a variety as to quality. Reference to Ashley’s newspapers will unavoidably be brief and somewhat disconnected. The Argus lasted only a short time, and in May of the same year Wm. P. Ismonde started the Ashley Gazette, which survived until September of the same year. The next venture was made by L. Austin & Son, of Elsie, who commenced the publication of the Ashley Union, August 1888. In the winter of 1890-‘91 Editor Hooper was publishing a paper called the Ashley Gleaner. Along in January 1891, the Gleaner suspended publication, moved to Carson City and was shortly afterward absorbed by the Carson City Gazette. In March 1891, Louis W. Fuller came from Hesperia, Ottawa County, and purchased a printing outfit of A. L. Howes, who had run the Ashley News for a few weeks. Mr. Fuller’s paper was called the Saturday Evening Post, and he stuck to it for several years.

In 1904 Will Coon was publishing—or trying to publish—the Ashley World. In September of that year he sold the paper to Edson H. Mudge, who proved to be a first-class newspaperman and made the World an exceedingly good country paper. He continued its publication until the spring of 1912, when he sold to A. L. Orser, and bought the St. Louis In­dependent. Mr. Orser is still at the World’s helm, and is publishing a newspaper, which has latterly shown much improvement in various ways, and is doing valiant service in behalf of Ashley’s prosperity.



The Ashley postoffice was established January 14, 1884. Ansel H. Phinney was its first postmaster, his appointment bearing that date. He was succeeded as follows: Clarence C. Reynolds, February 8, 1887;Ebenezer Z. Fuller, July 20, 1889;Louis Fuller, August 14, 1893;George W. Mead, September 21, 1897; David Duncan, June 16, 1902; Martin W. Coon, May 9, 1908. Mr. Coon was re-appointed March 8, 1912. The office is now a presidential office, the change dating from January 1912. Miss Mazie Coon is the polite and accommodating assistant postmaster.

Ashley postoffice accommodates the surrounding country with three rural carriers. No. 1 has George Coon as carrier;No. 2, Russell Wilcox; No. 3, Thomas Currey. The office is a Postal Savings Depository.



F. & A. M.

The Masons organized Ashley Lodge No. 399 in 1890, with a charter membership of eight. The first officers were as follows: W. M. —D. W. C. Tiffany; S. W. —Thompson Kirby; J. W. —C. E. Chittenden;Sec.—B. D. Ackmoody;Treas.—Chas. E. Beck;S. D. —W. A. Hale;J. D. —Wm. Barker; Tyler—E. H. Wells.

Present officers: W. M. —Orlo B. Gallop; S. W. —Asa Bigelow; J. W. —Frank Shonk;Treas.—David Duncan;Sec.—Hubert C. Rose;S. D. — Hollie J. Rose; J. D. —M. W. Coon;Tyler—Charles Follett.

The present membership is 75.

The lodge had its first quarters in the upper story of the building now owned by G. W. Todd, west side of Sterling Street. Outgrowing its quarters it moved to rooms over the brick block owned by C. E. Beck, east side of Sterling Street. These rooms were elegant and commodious, fitted up especially for use of the lodge. February 27, 1911 the building was de­stroyed by fire, the lodge losing all of its furniture and equipments. The lodge then purchased the brick block owned by the G. A. R., south side of Oak Street, remodeled and added largely to the structure, and occupied it for lodge purposes in May 1912. The formal dedication took place April 29, 1913.



Ashley Chapter No. 86, 0. E. S., was chartered October 13, 1892. First officers installed: W. M. —Mrs. Sarah Hale; W. P. —Dr. W. A. Hale;A. Mat. —Mrs. Harriet Kirby; Sec.—A. A. Bennett; Treas.—Mrs. B. D. Ackmoody; Con.—Mrs. Win. Perry.

Present Officers: W. M. —Mrs. Lucy Rose;W. P. —S. E. Burlingame;A. M. —Mrs. Eda Palmeter;Treas.—Miss Gertrude Lewis: Sec.—Mrs. Amy Haight; Con.—Mrs. Jessie Martin;A. Con.—Mrs. Myrtie Rose; Chap.— Mrs. Emma Duncan;Warder- Mrs. Belle Crook;Sent. —Chas. Follett.

The lodge has a membership of 54.


G. A. R. Post.

Wm. M. Kirby Post, No. 323, was organized September 8, 1885, with the following on the records as charter members: E. D. Largent, Wm. L. Ball, Timothy Smith, Jacob Mummy, Wm. S. Sharp. Wm. H. Steadman, T. N. Geary, Thompson Kirby, Napoleon B. Bowker, Orin J. Sprague, Albert Bovee, David Frost, Thos. Brown, David Duncan, Chas. S. Douglas, Jacob Helt, Eli Bailey, Elisha Hoag.

The organizing officer was Commander Giles T. Brown of Moses Wisner Post, of Ithaca. The membership has been as high as 45 and as low as 16. There are 14 names yet on the list as living members.

Here is a list of commanders from first to last: E. D. Largent, Albert Bovee, Thompson Kirby, N. B. Bowker, E. Z. Fuller, David Duncan, Peter Laclear, Ad. Ginis, B. D. Ackmoody, Nathan Roof, O. J. Sprague.

Officers of 1913: Com.—B. F. Pease: S. V. —Wm Sharp; J. V. — Geo. Van Alstine; Surgeon—Albert Shaw; Adj.—N. B. Bowker; Chap.— Chas. Manchester; Q. M. —Chas. Manchester; O. D. —David Duncan; O. C. —A. Shaw; Pat. Inst.—Geo. W. Harris; Q. M. S. —Chas. Manchester; Serg. M. —D. Duncan.



Ashley Lodge No. 233, I. O. O. F. was organized June 21, 1886, with charter members as follows: Marsden Bishop, John A. Sickels, Frank Riddle, Thos. E. Woodman, H. C. Terwilliger.

First officers are given as follows: N. G.—M. Bishop ; V. G.—E. W. Fields ; Sec.—J. A. Sickels ; P. S.—G. C. Douglas ; T.—C. Terwilliger ; R. S. —E. W. Fields;L. S.—A. Hawkins: W.—T. Woodman ; C.—F. Nichols ; R. S. S.—F. Osborn; L. S. S.—E. S. Bailey; O. G.—O. Nichols; I. C.— J. Clifford.

Present officers: N G. —David Duncan: R .S. —Edwin Robbennolt: L. S. —Elmer Gallop; V. G. —Arthur Kennett; R. S. —Geo. Hoard: L. S. —John Miller; R. S. —Ervin Kennett; F. S—Ira Otto;Chap.—Charles Man­chester; Con. — Nicholas Wirebaugh; O. G. — Howard Martin: War. —Martin W. Coon; R. S. S. —Asa Bigelow: L.S. S. —Benj. Tigler; I. C. — Herman Kreger.

Present membership is 101.



Elba Rebecca Lodge No. 108 was organized September 29, 1887, on application made by the following: Jessie L. Bishop, Mary B. Murphy, Mary Clifford, Melissa Clifford, Z. E. Kirk, Cora E. Osborn, Laura A. Coop, May E.      Bannister, Bertha Strakweather, Matilda Busbee, Alice Terwilliger, Marsden Bishop, Jas. Clifford, T. B. Hirt, A. H. Osborn, Thos. A. Coop, C. A. Bannister, H. C. Terwilliger, Alonzo Starkweather.

Present officers: N. G. —Jennie C. Coon;R. S. —A. Manchester; L. S. —May Bigelow;V. C—Mary L. Otto; R. S. —Rena Rhynard; L. S. —Jessie Martin: F. S. —Mrs. E. Bowers;R. S. —Jennie D. Clark;Chap.— Loretta Woodman;Past G. —Verna Corwin;O. G. —M. Bickford; I. G. —Mrs. Krueger; Warden—Esther Gallop;Cond.—Minnie Munson;Treas.— Mrs. Emma Duncan.

Present membership is 148.

K. O. T. M. M.

Ashley Tent No. 444 was organized June 20, 1891. The first set of officers was made up as follows: Past Com.—Dr. B. C. Sickles;Com.— Lester Briggs;Lt. Com.—C. A. Bannister; R. K. —Louis Fuller: F. K. —D. W. C. Tiffany;Prel. —A. E. Worth; Phy. —B. C. Sickles;Serg. — Eugene Pitts;M. of A. —Chas. Hankins;1st M. of G. —M. H. Mills;2nd M. of G. —Geo. S. Wiltse: Sent. —J. H. Collins;Pick. —E. A. Collins.

Membership at the present time is 37.

Present officers are given as follows: Past Com.—L. M. Hutchinson ; Com.—Myron Mills ; Lt. Com.—Wm. Hunt ; F. K.—Loren Corwin ; R. K.—Chas. Corwin, Jr. ; Chap.—D. E. Bickford ; Phy.—Dr. Orill Reichard.


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