Gratiot County Cemeteries Online


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The Plot = Lot number then grave number in that lot.  Map No. = Section-Row-Stone number in row. 

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Surname Given Middle Maiden Birth Death Age Relative Inscription Notes Cemetery Township Plot Map_No
HARRIS  Mercy  L.      none    Wife of William  originally in 1933 cemetery reading - stone missing  Plot owner is W. Harris in burial records of Seville Twp.  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 3 D  none 
SCHNEPP  Louisa        Jan. 31 1879  38 years  Wife of R. Schnepp  Gone Home  Burial record agrees  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 7 C  22 
BARKER  Mary      June 7 1874  Dec. 9 1901    Wife of Peter - also Mother listed    Burial record agrees and adds Mother  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 6 E  27 
VANLEUVEN  Mary  A.      Dec. 21 1874  44 yrs.  Wife of L. J. VanLeuven    Monument with Reubin Delamater on other side - - Plot owner VanLeuven  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 4 D  49 
MCINTYRE  Sarah  F.      Dec. 28 1880  19ys 11mo 1ds  Wife of John    Stone broken - very worn - Plot owner is McIntyre  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 5 B  41 
YOUNG  Elizabeth  J.    Nov. 14 1929      Wife of Edmund    Still Living  Sibley-Welch  Seville    46 
DRAKE  Treva  E.    1921      Wife of Bud Prentice Drake Sr.  Married Aug. 12 1939  Still Living - One Stone - family  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S42  61 
WELCH  Frances        April 20 1878  45 years  Wife of Barton Welch    One Stone - family broken top with Frances info on ground leaning on main part - not in burial records - Fanny is listed as wife of Barton in 1870 Census & confirms age  Sibley-Welch  Seville    68 
WELCH  Three Babies            Three Babies of Bert & Anna Welch    One stone - with no dates or names other than parents - Burial records only show Bert Welch as owner and Three babies of Bert and Anna buried.  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 2 D  66 
CRONKITE  Willie  S.      March 1 1882  12yr 8mo 11ds  Son of Wm.. & C. L. Cronkite    Stone fallen - burial records agree - plot owner W. Cronkite  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 8 B 
CUNNINGHAM  John        March 9 1852  21 years  Son of J. & E. Cunningham  originally in 1933 cemetery reading - stone missing  Burial records have Plot S Col 3 C Cunningham - on plat but no stones  Sibley-Welch  Seville    none 
YOUNG  John  E.    May 18 1951  June 22 2000    Son of Edmund      Sibley-Welch  Seville    44 
WELCH  Frangoel        Apr. 20, 1878  16 yrs.  Son of Barton Welch    From Burial Records on Film from Seville Twp. Records - plot owned by Bart Welch  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 2  none 
WOOD  Rosa        July 5 1880  13yr 9mo 3ds  Parents- R. & A. Wood  Weep not for Rosa, Her gentle spirit fled, She sweetly sleeps ________, Among the silent died.  Worn - Burial records agree - also show three other burial as Father, Stone & Stone without names. Plot owner Wood.  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 7 H  13 
VANDEMARK  Louis  A.      June 12 1880  2 ys 7mo 3ds  Parents - M. B. & J. Vandemark    Stone is very worn across parents names -  Sibley-Welch  Seville    18 
VANDEMARK  William  A.      Jan. 15 1884  20y 2m 5d  Parents - M. B. & J. Vandemark  Gone Home  Stone worn but year of age definitely reads 20 yrs. Burial record shows 20 yr. 2 mos. 5 days  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 7 D  21 
SCHNEPP  Almeda        March 19 1883  1 mo 7ds  Parents - F. E. & B. Schnepp    Stone worn  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 7 E  19 
COOLEY  Gracie        Feb. 6 1884  5 mos. 2? Days  Parents - C. & J. Cooley    Stone worn - age hard to read  Sibley-Welch  Seville    17 
LASKOSKY  Mary  L.    1926  1993    Norbert J. Laskosky    One stone - husband & wife plus military bronze plaque  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S 599 
SHERMAN  Floria    Cunningham  1857  1950    Mother    Cunningham not marked as maiden name but could be - Burial records show Flora Sherman Cunningham (Mother) 1857-1950 - Burial record shows no name on plot as owner  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 3 E  55 
CUNNINGHAM  Flora    Sherman  1857  1950    Mother    Burial record shows no name on plot as owner  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 3 E  55 
SIBLEY  Laura      1838  1921    Mother      Seville - French  Seville  SC 189-02  01-09-22 
UNKNOWN              Mother    Next to Barker in map 27 may be mother of as stone matches and sits close to  Sibley-Welch  Seville    28 
SEBRING  Joyce      1938  1994    Mother  Maiden Name FRANKS    Sibley-Welch  Seville   
LASKOSKY  Norbert  J.    Dec. 16 1917  Jan. 29 1990    Mary L. Laskosky  Military plaque-TEC 4 US ARMY WWII  plaque on other side of stone of ID 6 - Flag  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S 599 
POWELSON  Jeffery  Dale    Apr. 16 1963  May 14 1997    married Lynn Butcher April 20, 1991 father of Bailey Marie    No dates on burial records and shows Louis  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 7 E  64 
DRAKE  (Bud) Prentice  A. Sr.    1916  8-23-1979    Husband of Treva E. Drake  Married Aug. 12 1939  One Stone - family - burial record gives full date of death  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S42  61 
CLARK  Donald  R.    1928  1953    Father    Burial Record Agrees  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 6 G  31 
WELCH  Zula  C.      1888  1891  Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Welch    From burial records name as Zule G. - W. Welch owner of plot  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 3 B  58 
AUSTIN  Helen        Sept. 12 1881  6y 5m 14d  Daughter of G.R. & M.R. Austin  originally in 1933 cemetery reading - stone missing  Burial record only shows H. L. on card with Austin as plot owner  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 5 E  none 
WELCH  Effa        Sept. 5 1878  2 yrs 4mo 18?ds  Daughter of Frances and Martin Welch    One Stone - family broken top Effa's engraving contains 2 yrs. Days 2nd number hard to read and looks to be 18 - not in burial records  Sibley-Welch  Seville    68 
WELCH  Mellissa        March 20 1876  10 years  Daughter of B. & F. E. Welch    stone is worn but the years old is 10 and not 70 as done in earlier transcription and includes parents - burial record shows Bart as owner of plot. Age confirmed with 1870 Census.  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 2 E  67 
CONLEY  Grace        Feb. 6, 1884  5 mos. 25 days  Dau. Of C. & J. Conley    In burial records but no stone  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 7 G  none 
CLARK  Mary  L.    1925          One Stone - family - still living  Sibley-Welch  Seville    35 
SIBLEY  Monument                  Seville - French  Seville  SC 189-03  01-09-23 
CLARK  Ward  Jr.    1923  1995        One Stone - family  Sibley-Welch  Seville    35 
UNKNOWN                  Broken stone - in pieces parts missing unreadable  Sibley-Welch  Seville    23 
Uknown                  Base with plot wall  Sibley-Welch  Seville    24 
SCHNEPP  Phebe        April. 17 1888        DAR reading error in year of death - burial record confirms death year as 1888 plot owner listed as Schnepp  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 6 B  25 
CLARK  Ward  E.    Aug. 30 1891  Sept. 2 1969      Military - Michigan PVT Co. I 77 Infantry WWI  Burial Record Agrees  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 6 G  33 
WHITMAN  William      1900  1973        One Stone - family - burial record agrees  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 6 G  30 
WOOD  Alphonso      1868  1932      No Blind Ones There  One Stone - family - Burial shows Alphonse 1868-1923 plot owned by Wood  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 6 C  26 
WOOD  Alice      1870  1916      No Blind Ones There  One Stone - family - burial record agrees  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 6 C  26 
CLARK  Mary  E.    Oct. 30 1905  Nov. 5 1954        Burial Record Agrees  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 6 G  32 
WRIGHT  William      1864  1949        One Stone - family - Burial record agrees  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 6 F  29 
WRIGHT  Mary      1870  1933        One Stone - family - Burial record agrees  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 6 F  29 
WHITMAN  Mary      1892  1975        One Stone - family - burial record agrees  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 6 G  30 
CLARK  Thomas  Wm.    Nov. 21 1921  Aug. 29 1997      Military - TEC 5 US Army WWII - Bronze Star Medal    Sibley-Welch  Seville    34 
WOOD  William      1940  1974        One stone - family - burial records agree  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 7 N  10 
PATTERSON  John  A.    1850  1928        First Card in burial records - Marked East Driveway Check Plat 1st Row of Lots  Sibley-Welch  Seville  1st Row of Lots 
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