Gratiot County Cemeteries Online


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The Plot = Lot number then grave number in that lot.  Map No. = Section-Row-Stone number in row. 

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Surname Given Middle Maiden Birth Death Age Relative Inscription Notes Cemetery Township Plot Map_No
METCALF  Lydia  E.    1831  1903        stone missing - from DAR 1933 transcription  Pritchard  Sumner    DAR 
METCALF  Eva  M.    1866  1901        stone missing - from DAR 1933 transcription  Pritchard  Sumner    DAR 
PRITCHARD              Father    stone missing - from DAR 1933 transcription  Pritchard  Sumner    DAR 
REXFORD  C.                stone missing - from DAR 1933 transcription  Pritchard  Sumner    DAR 
TOY  Ada  M.      1927        stone missing - from DAR 1933 transcription  Pritchard  Sumner    DAR 
VOUGHT  Harrison        Jan. 2, 1880  1ys 2ms      stone missing - from DAR 1933 transcription  Pritchard  Sumner    DAR 
WELCH              Mother    stone missing - from DAR 1933 transcription  Pritchard  Sumner    DAR 
WYETH  Willie        Mar. 7, 1885        stone missing - from DAR 1933 transcription  Pritchard  Sumner    DAR 
EGAN  Broken Stone            Children of Patrick and ? Egan    Stone leaning on Egan Monument with base next to it. Very worn and hard to read.  St. Patricks-Irishtown  Seville    02-ph-41 
WELCH  Mellissa        March 20 1876  10 years  Daughter of B. & F. E. Welch    stone is worn but the years old is 10 and not 70 as done in earlier transcription and includes parents - burial record shows Bart as owner of plot. Age confirmed with 1870 Census.  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 2 E  67 
TALLON  M.  C. or G.    16 May 1887  20 May 1887    Son of T.S. & C.A. Tallon    stone is worn and hard to determine if middle initial is correct  Elm Hall  Sumner    02-14-16 
FLETCHER  Maudie      June ?, 1882  1ys 3ms 17ds  Daughter of S.A. & E.S. Fletcher    stone is worn  Pritchard  Sumner    S1-R23-16 
UNKNOWN  Nelson  Dorn    10 May 1905  29 October 1905        Stone is with EGAN stones - Unsure of last name may be EGAN or DORN  St. Patricks-Irishtown  Seville    02-ph-64 
HILDERBRANT  Phillip        12 April 1902  96y 4m 7d      Stone is very worn in aged area could not bring up to better view - on Robinson Monument and missed in DAR reading  Riverdale  Seville  R 85-02  01-01-07 
VANDEMARK  Louis  A.      June 12 1880  2 ys 7mo 3ds  Parents - M. B. & J. Vandemark    Stone is very worn across parents names -  Sibley-Welch  Seville    18 
MEDLER        July 29, 1839  Feb. 29, 1908    Mother    Stone is tipping and loose  Pritchard  Sumner    S1-R15-12 
GARGETT          Oct. 6, 1883  2ms. 24ds.  Our Babe of W.? & C. A. Gargett    stone is terribly worn and hard to read even chalked  Pritchard  Sumner    S1-R16-11 
CARPENTER  Eleanor    DELKNAP  07 December 1842  14 August 1906        stone is sinking - confirmed that maiden name is Delknap and not Belknap on stone  Riverdale  Seville  R 48-04  01-01-05 
MANLEY  M.  Eva    1895  1942        Stone is on lot R 29-02 but burial record says R 16 - Mattie Eva Manley on burial  Riverdale  Seville  R 16  03-03-05 
FULLER  Herman        22 December 1885  1y 4m 24d      stone is off base and leaning on Richard O. Fuller's stone in 01-07-03  Seville - French  Seville  SC 08  01-07-04 
FULLER  Ada  B.      19 September 1885  17y 5m 13d      stone is off base and leaning on Mary A. Fuller's in 01-07-02  Seville - French  Seville  SC 08  01-07-01 
ANDERSON  Catharine      1836  1865        stone is newer than 1865 probably a replacement  Pritchard  Sumner    S1-R23-1 
PANGBORN  Carrie  A.    Aug. 19, 1865  Sep. 19, 1894    Wife of A. A. Pangborn    stone is leaning  Pritchard  Sumner    S1-R25-6 
PAGE  Jeneva      16 February 1886  18 February 1886        Stone is is a bush - almost missed  Seville - French  Seville  SC 18-02  01-06-03 
CONNELLY  Willie            Son of F & S Connelly    Stone is broken the rest is unreadable  St. Patricks-Irishtown  Seville    02-ph-37 
JONES                  Stone is broken and has not other inscription  Elm Hall  Sumner    02-12-12 
LEWIS  Pearl        15 September 1898  7m 12d  Son of H.H. & D. Lewis    stone is broken and had to be laid out together to read  Elm Hall  Sumner    02-16-18 
WRIGHT  Thomas  J.    1912  1965        Stone is between two bushes and completely covered by them. Only clue there is something there is an urn you can see.  Elm Hall  Sumner    01-15-02 
LAPAUGH              Father    Stone is a small tree stump with a sheath of wheat and a scythe laying on top.  Pritchard  Sumner    S2-R24-10 
FOLLICK  Fanny    ANSPAUGH  1855  1936        stone in isle in front of monument  Pritchard  Sumner    S2-R24-4b 
FOLLICK  Marvin      1846  1914        stone in isle in front of monument  Pritchard  Sumner    S2-R24-4a 
LATHROP  Lizzie                stone has been reset without inscription  Pritchard  Sumner    S1-R13-2 
HICKS  James  P.      Mar. 8, 1868  28 yrs. A6 dys.  Son of John & Mary Hicks    Stone has been repaired and it is across the death date. From DAR reading in 1933.  Pritchard  Sumner    S2-R25-6 
UNKNOWN                  Stone foundation - no stone close to Earl J. Taylor  Pritchard  Sumner    S1-R13-7 
TOWNSEND              Father    stone fallen over see Townsend Monument in S1-R25-3  Pritchard  Sumner    S1-R25-1 
CRONKITE  Willie  S.      March 1 1882  12yr 8mo 11ds  Son of Wm.. & C. L. Cronkite    Stone fallen - burial records agree - plot owner W. Cronkite  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 8 B 
GROSS  Lottie  May      01 April 1882?  2m 6d    Child of M.W. & D. Gross  stone extremely worn on year - may be wrong on the 2 in 1882  Elm Hall  Sumner    02-08-18 
GROSS  Oscar  W.      13 March 1882 or 3  8y 7m 7d    Child of M.W. & D. Gross  stone extremely worn on year  Elm Hall  Sumner    02-08-18 
SANDER  Nancy      07 November 1891  05 March 1935        Stone broken name missing but dates are left  Riverdale  Seville    03-07-07 
METCALF  Charles        03 April 1881  61y ?m ?d      Stone broken in half and laying against Mary's stone  Seville - French  Seville  SC 54-03  01-05-12 
UNKNOWN                  Stone broken close to base - between WATKINS stones  Elm Hall  Sumner    02-08-05 
LUDWICK  Blanch          11 Feburary 1899  7m 10d    Stone broken and worn - no inscription left - information from 1983 Burials  Seville - French  Seville  SC 145  01-05-13 
ZINCK  Martin        Jan. 11, 1870  61 yrs. 9 mos. 28 days      Stone broken and laying up against building  Pritchard  Sumner    S2-R15-9 
COURTER  Arthur        Nov. 28, 1878  7ys 2ms  Son of J. & E. Courter    Stone broken and laying against base  Pritchard  Sumner    S1-R29-2 
COVELL  Charlie  H.      21 February 1882  4y 27d  Son of ?    Stone broken across parents names - has footstone next to it with C.H.C.  Seville - French  Seville  SC 44-04  01-04-04 
MCINTYRE  Sarah  F.      Dec. 28 1880  19ys 11mo 1ds  Wife of John    Stone broken - very worn - Plot owner is McIntyre  Sibley-Welch  Seville  S Col 5 B  41 
Norton  Wm.  W.              stone broken - Flag - DAR 1937  Brady  Seville     
Whiting  Mary  J.      Dec. 7, 1878  37ys      Stone broken - Burials to 1983  Brady  Seville  B48-4   
UNKNOWN                  Stone base with urn in shape of a lamb and US flag in it  Elm Hall  Sumner    01-19-10 
UNKNOWN                  Stone base with no stone - sits between MILLER, Ernest & Lydia and CUMMINS, Clyde Junior  Elm Hall  Sumner    02-06-10 
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